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Our Early Years Practitioners & First Aiders

Every one of our educators is a trained professional with a deep passion for education. Many of our educators have specialized training in fine arts such as music, art and theater.

Charlotte Norton

Manager & Safe Guarding Officer 

Lucy Brocklebank

Deputy Manager, SENDCO & Key Person

Viv Olver

Health & Safety Officer & Key Person

Julie George 

Key Person

Lucy Cope

Key Person

Lauren Hannaford

Key Person

The Role of the Key Person

Learning is natural

The Key Person is to help your child’s transition from home to Pre-School. They will be a point of contact for you, should you have any worries or concerns now or in the future. The aim of the Key Person is to form close relationships with both children and families to ensure your child has the best start in their early years. All our staff work closely as a team and will have the knowledge and a relationship with your child. 


If you would like to join our lovely committee please email stmalounder5s@btinternet.com or ask Charlotte.

Josephine Luscombe 


Charlotte Norton


Daisy Raybould


Hannah Titterton


Chloe Savage

Committee member

Leah Jordan 

Committee member

Opening Hours and Fees

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday:  8:45am-3:15pm.

We offer all day sessions: 8:45am- 3:15pm.

Morning sessions: 8:45am – 12/1pm.


Monday – Friday:  £5.30 per hour

All day sessions: £34.45

Morning sessions: £15.90/£21.20

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